About Us

We will do our best to solve your plumbing problems asap

We offer a full line of services for all your plumbing and drain cleaning needs. We specialize in Residential and Small Commercial plumbing. Contact us in emergencies.
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Erika Stacy, CEO

Amber Plumbing Solution

"Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrumcorporate looremcom sequatur? Quis autem vel eum Quis autem vel eum iure veniam quis nostrum exercitatiocommosequatur? vel eum iure venia sequatur? Quis autem vel eum"

Our Service

Every possible plumbing services

We offer a full line of services for all your plumbing and drain cleaning needs. We specialize in
Residential and Small Commercial plumbing. It is our goal to provide best service

Emergeny Plumbing

We will do best to solve every plumbing situation & find needed technician.


Waterline Installation

We will do best to solve every plumbing situation & find needed technician.


Bathroom Plumbing

We will do best to solve every plumbing situation & find needed technician.

Amber Plumbing

Every possible plumbing services

We offer a full line of services for all your plumbing and drain cleaning needs. We specialize in Residential and Small Commercial plumbing. It is our goal to provide best service



Trained Plumber



Problem Solved



Happy Clients

Our Portfolio

We have done so many projects

Kitchen in NewYork

Kitchen, Installation

Kitchen in NewYork

Kitchen, Installation

Kitchen in NewYork

Kitchen, Installation

Kitchen in NewYork

Kitchen, Installation

Kitchen in NewYork

Kitchen, Installation

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We offer a full line of services for all your plumbing and drain cleaning needs. We specialize in
Residential and Small Commercial plumbing. It is our goal to provide best service